My Thoughts on “The Guru Gap”

Generally speaking, there are two “camps” (or schools of thought) for investing for and creating an income stream in retirement. The first could be called the “probability-based approach,” and the second the “safety-first approach.” These “camps” share some things in common but are often at odds with each other. The key difference is that the … Read more

Retire Like Dave: Part Two—Maybe You Can Withdraw Eight Percent

A sustainable withdrawal rate is integral to a wise retiree’s financial stewardship plan. Your withdrawal rate determines how much money you’ll take from your retirement savings to add to other sources of income to meet your spending needs. I became aware of a video of one of Dave’s recent shows in which he discussed retiree … Read more

Invest and Retire Like Dave?

I recently discussed asset allocation and diversification with some friends, a couple in their 50s. In the context of that conversation, they asked me what I thought about Dave Ramsey’s investing recommendations. (They were concerned that they may invest too conservatively for their age and goals.) I told them that I respect Dave and agree … Read more

My New Book “Redeeming Retirement: A Practical Guide to Catch Up” Has Been Released!

I announced earlier that I would soon publish my next book, Redeeming Retirement: A Practical Guide to Catch Up. I’m excited to announce that it’s been released and is now available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle editions! In this article, I want to tell you more about it and offer some giveaways to celebrate … Read more

Why I Like Dave Ramsey

Before I get into the reasons why I like Dave, take a look at the picture of me taken with him at his offices in Nashville. (I’m the bald-headed guy.) Notice that I put my hand on his shoulder, but his are in his pockets? That’s because I’m a “wanna be.” (By the way, as … Read more