What Kind of Returns Do You Actually Need in Retirement?

Well, it’s baaaaack…and you know what: stock market volatility. And it came back with a vengeance a few weeks ago, moderating some in recent days. Presidential administration transitions ordinarily create uncertainty and instability, but wars, tariffs, and deportations are stirring the pot a little more than usual. I occasionally get asked how I think a … Read more

25 Things Retirees Tend To Worry About (But May Not Need To)

The Dictionary of Bible Themes defines worry as “A sense of uneasiness and anxiety about the future. Scripture indicates that such anxiety is ultimately grounded in a lack of trust in God and his purposes.” Perhaps because worry tends to focus on the future, it’s something that retirees, or near-retirees, can quickly fall into. We … Read more

My Thoughts on “The Guru Gap”

Generally speaking, there are two “camps” (or schools of thought) for investing for and creating an income stream in retirement. The first could be called the “probability-based approach,” and the second the “safety-first approach.” These “camps” share some things in common but are often at odds with each other. The key difference is that the … Read more

Opportunity Costs and Retirement Decisions

Regular readers know that I sometimes reflect on an interaction I’ve had with an individual or couple in the context of financial counseling/coaching and the broader implications of the subject or issue(s) being discussed to retirement stewardship in general. I recently talked with an older widow in our church about her financial situation. Although she … Read more

Should You Ditch Bonds for Money Market Funds?

A family friend recently asked me to look at her retirement investment portfolio. It’s advisor-managed and has an allocation one-third S&P 500-indexed annuity, one-third stock and bond ETFs, and one-third cash (government money market). Our friend is a recent retiree with a long planning horizon, so at first glance, I wondered why her portfolio had … Read more

I’m Not as Reluctant Toward Annuities, But I’m Still Not Sure I Need One

In the previous article, I alluded to my “safe withdrawal rate” (SWR) portfolio strategy, which I described as “strategic growth and income.” I also discussed the impact of inflation on it and two different types of annuities—a nominal (non-inflation-adjusted) annuity and a nominal annuity with a 3% annual cost-of-living increase (COLA) but not indexed to … Read more

Why Am I Reluctant to Purchase a Lifetime Income Annuity?

Many financial planners, advisors, and especially retirees are wary of annuities. They cite cost, complexity, loss of liquidity, under-performance, and other factors as their primary concerns. In many cases, their concerns are warranted. Yet many retirement planning professionals, academics, actuaries, and economists—i.e., a bunch of really smart people—regularly encourage consumers to consider a particular type … Read more