My Thoughts on “The Guru Gap”

Generally speaking, there are two “camps” (or schools of thought) for investing for and creating an income stream in retirement. The first could be called the “probability-based approach,” and the second the “safety-first approach.” These “camps” share some things in common but are often at odds with each other. The key difference is that the … Read more

I’m Not as Reluctant Toward Annuities, But I’m Still Not Sure I Need One

In the previous article, I alluded to my “safe withdrawal rate” (SWR) portfolio strategy, which I described as “strategic growth and income.” I also discussed the impact of inflation on it and two different types of annuities—a nominal (non-inflation-adjusted) annuity and a nominal annuity with a 3% annual cost-of-living increase (COLA) but not indexed to … Read more

Why Am I Reluctant to Purchase a Lifetime Income Annuity?

Many financial planners, advisors, and especially retirees are wary of annuities. They cite cost, complexity, loss of liquidity, under-performance, and other factors as their primary concerns. In many cases, their concerns are warranted. Yet many retirement planning professionals, academics, actuaries, and economists—i.e., a bunch of really smart people—regularly encourage consumers to consider a particular type … Read more

The Secure Act 2.0 May Have Passed While You Weren’t Looking

The Secure Act 2.0 was finally passed as just one part of a massive funding package by the outgoing congress just before Christmas on December 23, 2022, and signed into law by the president as the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, an omnibus spending bill authorizing roughly $1.7 trillion in new Federal spending (yikes!). You’re … Read more

Beware the Free Steak Dinner and Financial Advice Retirement Seminar

I recently received another one: an invitation in the mail to a “free dinner and retirement discussion.” It seems like I’ve been averaging one every few weeks or so. (My wife also receives one every once in a while. So does somebody named “Current Resident” who apparently lives with me who I don’t know.) I’m … Read more

Should You Purchase an Indexed or Variable Annuity?

This is a follow-up to my last article about the role that immediate income annuities could have in providing additional income for someone running low on income in retirement. The focus was on Single Premium Immediate Annuities (SPIAs), a type of fixed income annuity. But there are two other types of annuities: indexed and variable. The main … Read more

What To Do If You’re Already In Retirement But Without Enough Income

My newest book, Redeeming Retirement: A Practical Guide to Catch Up, is targeted mainly at those aged 35 to 65 who are behind in saving for retirement (or think they might be). But I don’t ignore those who are already retired and discover (a little too late in some cases) that they didn’t save enough. … Read more

Announcing My New Book: “The Minister’s Retirement”

I am very excited to announce that my new book, The Minister’s Retirement, has been released and is now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats. The following is from the introductory material in the book: “This is a book about planning for retirement targeted specifically at ministers. Granted, most ministers I know would … Read more