I’m Not as Reluctant Toward Annuities, But I’m Still Not Sure I Need One

In the previous article, I alluded to my “safe withdrawal rate” (SWR) portfolio strategy, which I described as “strategic growth and income.” I also discussed the impact of inflation on it and two different types of annuities—a nominal (non-inflation-adjusted) annuity and a nominal annuity with a 3% annual cost-of-living increase (COLA) but not indexed to … Read more

Why Am I Reluctant to Purchase a Lifetime Income Annuity?

Many financial planners, advisors, and especially retirees are wary of annuities. They cite cost, complexity, loss of liquidity, under-performance, and other factors as their primary concerns. In many cases, their concerns are warranted. Yet many retirement planning professionals, academics, actuaries, and economists—i.e., a bunch of really smart people—regularly encourage consumers to consider a particular type … Read more

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Retirees—Part One

In case you haven’t noticed, a technological revolution is unfolding before our very eyes. It may feel like it snuck up on us, but it’s been around for a while. I’m talking about the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), which could become one of the most transformative and disruptive technologies of all time, perhaps even … Read more

Understanding and Navigating Social Security Survivor Benefits

Many people focus solely on their own retirement benefits when considering Social Security benefits. However, it’s crucial to understand the significant role Social Security spousal and survivor benefits can play in retirement planning. We don’t usually like to think about our mortality and how our passing will affect those we leave behind financially. Nonetheless, it’s … Read more

Easter, Retirees, and the Hope of the Resurrection

We’re now in Holy Week. It’s the season on the church calendar when the profound significance of Easter and what it means to us as Christians are at the forefront of our thinking and are in our hearts: the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus—the forgiveness of sin and triumph of life over death, light … Read more

The ”Fountain of All Good” in Retirement

There are many good things about retirement. Some examples are more free time and greater flexibility in how we spend our time, less stress from work pressures, and more opportunities to give of our time, talents, and treasure, to name a few. These are all “good” in that they add fun, fulfillment, and joy to … Read more

The Curious Concept of ”Retirement Ruin”

In some previous articles, I’ve discussed longevity risk, withdrawal rates, and Dave Ramsey’s 8% withdrawal rate recommendation. These topics can quickly get mind-numbingly complex. The financial side of retirement has a lot to do with the math; it’s a big math problem we need to solve as best we can. We do this thoughtfully, humbly, … Read more