Reflections After Five Years of Retirement

I recently realized that I’ve been retired for five years. (My wife says that I’m not really retired, but you know what I mean.) Wow, time flies! I retired in late 2018 at age 66, my ”full retirement age” (FRA) as defined by Social Security. It was a little earlier than I’d planned, as I … Read more

Messy World, Glorious Messiah

I recently came across a little book about Christmas titled Christmas Uncut: What Really Happened and Why It Really Matters by Carl Laferton. The title caught my attention. Did the author uncover some unknown historical account of the birth of Jesus? Did one of the magi take notes, and someone found them stashed and preserved … Read more

Retire Like Dave: Part Two—Maybe You Can Withdraw Eight Percent

A sustainable withdrawal rate is integral to a wise retiree’s financial stewardship plan. Your withdrawal rate determines how much money you’ll take from your retirement savings to add to other sources of income to meet your spending needs. I became aware of a video of one of Dave’s recent shows in which he discussed retiree … Read more

Figs, Faith, and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here, and we’ll soon enter the Advent season leading up to Christmas. I’ve never had it, but I understand a festive dish known as “figgy pudding” originated in medieval times and was especially popular in Victorian England. It’s the dessert that Bob Cratchit and his family enjoy as part of their Christmas celebration, … Read more

Medicare Commercials: The Hilarious But Confusing Comeback Tour You Didn’t Ask For

Yes, they’re back, and oh, the joys of turning on the TV and being bombarded by Medicare Advantage Plan commercials. It is, after all, the middle of Medicare’s annual “open enrollment” period. And these commercials, with their aging spokespeople, seem to come back around like clockwork. Meet Martha In my opinion, one of the most … Read more

Avoiding Probate: Issues and Options

My wife and I recently had the privilege of assisting a widow in our church with some legal/financial issues after her husband’s passing. It was my first experience with the “Clerk of the Superior Court” in my county. Fortunately, this woman and her husband had their affairs in order. They had a will and a … Read more

Invest and Retire Like Dave?

I recently discussed asset allocation and diversification with some friends, a couple in their 50s. In the context of that conversation, they asked me what I thought about Dave Ramsey’s investing recommendations. (They were concerned that they may invest too conservatively for their age and goals.) I told them that I respect Dave and agree … Read more

How Higher Interest Rates Are Impacting Retirees

In a previous article, I touched on the risk that rising interest rates present to retirees. There are risks—the negative impacts of rising rates—but there are also benefits, especially for savers and retirees. But to the extent that higher rates are usually associated with inflation, the scale tips toward the negatives and less toward the … Read more

Dealing With Financial Risk in Retirement

In the last article, we looked at what I believe to be the greatest risk in retirement: retiring without a clear sense of calling and purpose. But I also mentioned some other risks—the financial ones. The Bible encourages us to take wise precautions as part of good stewardship to protect ourselves from the adverse effects … Read more