Am I a ‘Guru’?

Off the bat, I want to make clear I’m talking about the word ‘guru’ here, not the cartoon character ”Gru,” villain and master of the Minions. However, one might say that Gru is a guru to the Minions. (What can I say, I have grandchildren.) On more than one occasion, a friend or acquaintance has … Read more

The ‘Stewardship of Life’ (Part Five)—Hybrid Long-Term Care Insurance

Quite a while back, I published a series of four articles about care in later life. In articles three and four, I touched on various insurance products you can purchase to cover long-term care (LTC) expenses: traditional LTC insurance (LTCI), cash value life insurance (whole or universal life), and annuities. I didn’t explore another category … Read more

The Ordinary Christian Life in Retirement

I recently read this quote by Tim Challies: “We please God—we thrill God—when we live as ordinary people in ordinary lives who use our ordinary circumstances to proclaim and live out an extraordinary gospel.” It’s from an article Tim wrote in 2015 titled “Ordinary Christian Work.” The article was a Christian view of vocation, but … Read more

Beware the Free Steak Dinner and Financial Advice Retirement Seminar

I recently received another one: an invitation in the mail to a “free dinner and retirement discussion.” It seems like I’ve been averaging one every few weeks or so. (My wife also receives one every once in a while. So does somebody named “Current Resident” who apparently lives with me who I don’t know.) I’m … Read more

Faithful Investing

Some months ago, I received an email from a reader who was considering a particular mutual fund investment and had this question: I was looking at the holdings of a particular mutual fund and noticed a few gaming (i.e., casino games/gambling) companies in the holdings. What are your thoughts on that as believers? It is … Read more

Responding to ”Epochal Change”

If you believe, as I do, that we’re likely in a period of “epochal change” (which I defined as the next few decades not being like they were for the last few), we’re left with the question I posed at the conclusion of my previous article: What to do? The most important thing Before I … Read more

Are We Experiencing ”Epochal Change”?

I recently came across the phrase “epochal change.” It was used to describe the domestic and global economic changes that I discussed in a recent article titled “A Challenging Time for Retirement Investors.” The basic idea is that we have reached a historical inflection point due to dramatic economic and political changes. Of course, we … Read more

Living the ”Good Life” in Retirement

This article is being published during the week before Easter. Considering the glory and magnitude of what Jesus did for us on the Cross, it might seem glib (or downright inaccurate or false) to say that he did it to give us “the good life.” But if we understand what the BIBLE says constitutes a … Read more