Numbering Our Days: Moses, Stewardship, and Actuarial Life Tablets (I Mean Tables)

I had a little fun with the title because this is a “heavy” subject, and I wanted to lighten things up a little. And while we’re at it, what in the world is Moses wearing; it looks like a costume. (At least there’s not a big “M” on his chest.) Okay, back to our serious … Read more

The Curious Concept of ”Retirement Ruin”

In some previous articles, I’ve discussed longevity risk, withdrawal rates, and Dave Ramsey’s 8% withdrawal rate recommendation. These topics can quickly get mind-numbingly complex. The financial side of retirement has a lot to do with the math; it’s a big math problem we need to solve as best we can. We do this thoughtfully, humbly, … Read more

Figs, Faith, and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here, and we’ll soon enter the Advent season leading up to Christmas. I’ve never had it, but I understand a festive dish known as “figgy pudding” originated in medieval times and was especially popular in Victorian England. It’s the dessert that Bob Cratchit and his family enjoy as part of their Christmas celebration, … Read more

I Want to Grow Old Like Simeon

A character in the story of the birth and early days of Jesus we often overlook is a man named Simeon. Simeon was a devout Jew who regularly worshiped in the Temple at Jerusalem and was there when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus in. Luke tells the story in Chapter 2, verses 22 thru 35: … Read more

Overcoming Retirement Fears

My church has started summer book study groups for men and women. Each group is doing one of three books: None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God by Matthew Barrett Every Square Inch: An Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians by Bruce Ashford Rejoice and Tremble: The Surprising Good News of the Fear of the Lord by Michael … Read more

In Your Grasp: Three Things for a Financial Miracle

As we start 2021, the global pandemic continues to rage its economic fallout continues to be felt by families worldwide. Some were in a tenuous financial situation before the pandemic, and their situation has become worse. Others have found themselves there because of the pandemic (job and income loss, medical bills, etc.). In any case, … Read more

Things I am Grateful For as a Retiree During a Pandemic

We’re in the middle of what is, without a doubt, going to be one of strangest years in my almost-68-year lifetime. Six months ago, I didn’t think anyone would’ve believed everything that has transpired if you told them. A coronavirus pandemic, quarantines, shutdowns, record unemployment, stock market crashes, and extreme social unrest—all happening during a … Read more

Redeeming Stewardship Failures

Financial crises have a way of revealing the weaknesses, and sometimes failures, of our stewardship practices. As renowned investor Warren Buffet humorously once said, “Only when the tide goes out do you discover who has been swimming naked.” The 2008-2009 recession showed American’s overdependence on debt, especially real estate mortgages. Many were house rich and … Read more

It Can’t Happen Again (But It Did)

For many of us who remember the 2008 market crash and ensuing recession all too well, this time feels remarkably similar. In addition to the really-scary-virus running around, we also have business shutdowns, massive cash liquidity infusions into the economy by the federal government, and rising unemployment. As I write this, there is a two trillion … Read more