My Top 10 Posts for 2020


This has been a year that we will never forget. 2020 was a highly contentious presidential election year in the middle of a global pandemic. Violence and unrest filled the streets of many cities. Many, many people experienced (and are still experiencing) severe financial hardship. And, of course, many became seriously ill due to the Coronavirus.

Much has been said and written about 2020; I wrote a few articles about it myself. Not surprisingly, based on page visits, they were among the most popular posts on the blog this year.

Throughout the year, I have tried to provide a God-centered, biblically sound perspective on the pandemic’s economic issues. It’s been a difficult task, especially when things looked so dark. There is hope on the horizon, not just because of vaccines for the virus, but because our good and gracious God sovereignly reigns over all his creation. No matter what the circumstances, we can put our faith and trust in him as his children.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

Jer. 17:7-8 (ESV)

To wrap up 2020, in case you missed them, here are the most popular posts for the year:


👋 Hi, I’m Chris Cagle, the founder of Retirement Stewardship, a blog that focuses on the various aspects of retirement from a Christian stewardship perspective (1 Peter 4:10).

I write as a retiree who is dealing with the things I write about. I base most of the articles on my research and experience applying it to my situation and how it might apply to yours.

If you’re new here, check out the site introduction for an overview. You can also learn more about me.


My Books

Redeeming Retirement: A Practical Guide to Catch Up (2021)
The Minister’s Retirement (2020)
Reimagine Retirement: Planning and Living for the Glory of God (2019)