
The recommended resources on this page include books that I have read or reference on a regular basis, blogs that read frequently, and other resources that I use or am very familiar with that I believe will be helpful to you.

Most of these come at retirement from a Christian stewardship perspective, but I have included some that, although they are not distinctly Christian, provide sound practical information on the subject of planning for and living in retirement and are consistent with many of the underlying principles and values that I espouse in this blog.

Recommended Books

Personal Finance and Stewardship


Careers and Entrepreneurship


Recommended Blogs

Recommended Financial Services Providers

Recommended Financial Calculators

Recommended Small Business Tools & Resources


👋 Hi, I’m Chris Cagle, the founder of Retirement Stewardship, a blog that focuses on the various aspects of retirement from a Christian stewardship perspective (1 Peter 4:10).

I write as a retiree who is dealing with the things I write about. I base most of the articles on my research and experience applying it to my situation and how it might apply to yours.

If you’re new here, check out the site introduction for an overview. You can also learn more about me.


My Books

Redeeming Retirement: A Practical Guide to Catch Up (2021)
The Minister’s Retirement (2020)
Reimagine Retirement: Planning and Living for the Glory of God (2019)