Redeeming Retirement: A Practical Guide to Catch Up
Released: April 5, 2021
Redeeming Retirement is for the roughly 50 percent of people middle-aged and older in the U.S. who anticipate retirement but are financially unprepared for it or who may not know how unprepared they really are. It provides help and hope in the form of detailed practical guidance to help them “retire with dignity.” The book will also help “late bloomers” who have generally been doing well with their finances, except in planning for retirement.
Buy now: Amazon.com (ebook and paperback)

The Minister’s Retirement
Released: August 18, 2020
The Minister’s Retirement is for ministers (and others employed by churches and religious organizations) to help them with the financial aspects of preparing for retirement. It will also be useful to those who care for and assist them in various contexts.
Buy now: Amazon.com (ebook and paperback)

Reimagine Retirement: Planning and Living for the Glory of God
Released: November 5, 2019
Reimagine Retirement is about envisioning and planning for a different kind of retirement — one that is joyfully fulfilling because it is focused on living for the glory of God. The book describes what that kind of retirement might look like and the financial aspects of planning for it.
Buy now: Amazon (ebook and paperback) ⎪ Lifeway (ebook and paperback)